Tuesday, November 17, 2009


"Score!" This is what I heard my kids shouting over and over again from the top of the stairs, interrupted intermittently with peels of laughter and "you won again, you get a sticker!" I didn't hear any tears, nor anything breaking, so I let them be. Thankful that, for once, they were playing nicely without any adult supervision. But, of course, my curiosity got the best of me. I meandered over to the staircase and realized that they had made up a game. They were tossing small plastic balls off the landing trying to hit the small carpet in front of the front door, then racing down the stairs to retrieve them so that they could play the game all over again. I couldn't believe it. They made up a game, all by themselves, that wasn't dangerous or destructive and that they all found fun and entertaining. And, believe it or not, I just heard Michael say to the other two kids: "Are you tired yet? Ok, then it is time for bed." Who on earth are they, and what have they done with my REAL children?