Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A Questionnaire

Wow, I cannot believe that it has been almost a month since my last post. We were visiting my parents in St. Louis during the first two weeks of September. I came back with so many stories to tell that I felt overwhelmed at the thought of sitting down to type them all out. So I am going to write a quick one tonight and try to catch up on the road trip stories another time.

I received a letter from Michael & Peter's teachers that said that the school would be begin an "All About Me" study this week. My first thought was: "Isn't every day 'all about me' for a three-year-old?" Trying to be a supportive parent, however, I read on. Among other all-about-me items attached the letter, I discovered a questionnaire to fill out regarding someone special in their life. In order to get the boys to choose someone other than boring old mommy or daddy, I listed some other family members and friends for them to choose from.

Michael chose Pappy (my dad) and these were his answers to the questions:

Who is someone very special in your life? Pappy.
Why is this person so important to you? Because I love him.
What makes him so special? Because he snores in his office.
What are some things that you like to do with this person? I like to help Pappy fix things and set up the pool and camping and fishing with him.

Peter was adamant about choosing me. I asked him who else is special to him besides me and he answered "Batman." So I again gave him the list of relatives and friends and he finally settled on Rie Rie (my mom). Here were Peter's answers:

Who is someone very special in your life? Rie Rie.
Why is this person so important to you? Because she let me be Batman at her house.
What makes her so special? She showed me the animals in the jungle at the zoo.
What are some things that you like to do with this person? I like to play with toys with Rie Rie and run in her house.

So I guess this post did end up reflecting a little bit of our trip to St. Louis, after all. As you can see, the boys had a great time spying on Pappy napping in his office, going to the zoo with my parents, running wild in their house and generally having the time of their life. Thank you so much Mom & Dad for having us ... hopefully you have fully recovered by now and put your house back together again. We miss you!

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