Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Baby Neptune

In an effort to save up all the kids' favorite videos for an upcoming road trip, I've resorted to playing old Baby Einstein videos in the car. They are definitely too old to be entertained by puppets and classical music, but I figured that it was better than nothing. Yesterday I popped "Baby Neptune" in the DVD player and the strangest thing happened. My three kids, who usually fight non-stop in the car no matter what movie I play, actually had a running dialogue amongst themselves that entertained ALL of us. It went something like this:

Emily: "Oh there is a dolphin!"

Peter: "No, that's not a dolphin, that's an Orca Whale."

Emily: "Oh, Orca Whale, okay."

Michael: "What's that Peter?"

Peter: "That's a submarine."

Michael: [singing] "We all live in a yellow submarine, a yellow submarine, a yellow submarine ..."

I drove on, laughing to myself and wondering who taught Peter about Orca Whales and submarines and who taught Michael the words to a Beatles song. And, more importantly, wondering why I didn't think to create these Baby Einstein videos myself. Every mom needs them in her arsenal, especially Baby Neptune, it seems. A "movie" that can entertain babies of all ages AND promote conversation and dialogue among toddlers and preschoolers is a must have. Julie Aigner-Clark, you are my hero!


  1. I love this. Peter was always correcting us on which animal was which at school. We were constantly amazed at how well he remembered even the most obscure animals.

    And Michael singing the Beatles? That's totally Rosie. They used to sing that song with the kids for Moving Up day when the center was still All Aboard because of the line "...and my friends are all aboard, many more of them live next door".

    Why can't all car rides be that pleasant?

  2. Ashbabes! I love your blog. Good for you for writing it all down - it's great! About Baby Einstein videos ... Baby Shakespeare is another one that always got my kids to pay attention - long after I thought they were over it. Try that one too. Also, did you know that Julie Aigner-Clark started making those videos in her garage with a black sheet and some toys?? Kind of makes me mad when I think about it that I didn't have the idea first!
