Saturday, August 8, 2009

Ant Wars

I don't mind an occasional ant or two, but there is really nothing that grosses me out more than seeing a whole heard of them all in the same spot. Especially when I see it inside my house. And, you guessed it, that's the first thing I saw on my kitchen floor this morning. I can certainly see why they chose my kitchen floor, for its wide array of assorted crumbs, no doubt. But how on earth do they get inside? Through the cracks of the dog door? Through the vent under the kitchen table? After the last ant invasion about a month ago, I thoroughly investigated the latter source for any possible breach. I pulled the metal vent out and looked inside. It was really rather horrifying to me, but clearly an ant's dream come true. Used plastic forks and spoons and all sorts of food, naturally. I vacuumed everything up ... ants, forks, spoons and all. I thought I'd seen the last of them, until today.Evidently, at least one ant survived and made it back to his ant hill and told all the other ants where to find the mother load. And so, the ant wars continue ...

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