Monday, August 17, 2009

Man's Best Friend

On Saturday, my husband's entire family came over to our house for a BBQ. We were all hanging out on the back patio, when the bugs really started to chomp away at us ... obviously realizing that summer is coming to an end and wanting to devour as much human flesh as possible in what little time is left. We do have a "bug zapper" in the backyard, so we plugged that in to try to minimize the blood-thirsty population. The problem is this: our dog is afraid of the "zap" sound that it makes. This is the same dog that is also afraid of flies, the slightest hint of thunder and was once afraid to climb a flight of stairs. Seriously, he had to literally be carried up the stairs. A picture of one such episode below (August 2005):

Anyway, as you may have guessed, Wrigley panicked and ran for cover inside at the sound of the first zap. From my perspective, this really isn't a big deal. He's a dog. He does not need to attend every single event with us. But, to my husband, an event is not really a family event without him.

At one point, I went inside to do some dishes and clean up a little. When I went back outside, the bug zapper was turned off and my husband and Wrigley were snuggled up together on a little love-seat-sized bench. Seriously? Wrigley's comfort and presence is more important than saving the rest of the family from the onslaught of millions of bugs trying to eat us alive? I know that a dog is man's best friend, but really!!

I missed getting a picture of the cute couple cuddled up together on the couch, but I did capture them doing a repeat performance inside later that night:

And, a few more pictures from the past of my man and his best friend.

I always joke with my husband that, if the house were on fire, he'd save Wrigley first. And, he always responds that, of course, he adores Wrigley because Wrigley is always so excited to see him. True, true. The kids and I are not going to jump up and down with overwhelming joy and excitement every time my husband walks in the room. So, he does have a point. And, I suppose that we will all have to find a way to live with and accept this "man's best friend" thing ... it's either that, or allow the two of them get their own place together!

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