Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Sleep Habits

I just finished changing the sheets on the kids' beds, fascinating, I know, but I had to post a list of what I found in Peter's bed (under at least two blankets and countless books & stuffed animals, mind you):
  • An empty mac & cheese box;
  • A schedule of classes at my gym, torn into about 10 pieces;
  • A car;
  • A dragon that he swiped at a playdate ages ago; and
  • A plastic screwdriver.
Seriously, how does he sleep in there? And how did he collect all that stuff and sneak it into his bed? Meanwhile, when I went to Michael's room, I discovered a neatly made bed (by 3-year-old standards, that is), with two books and two stuffed animals resting peacefully next to the pillow. I realize that they are fraternal twins, but how is it that they share the same mom & dad and both lived together in my belly for 9 months, yet seem to have nothing in common but their last name?!? It fascinates me!

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