Saturday, August 8, 2009

Disturbing the Peace

Has this ever happened to you? You see your kids playing p-e-r-f-e-c-t-l-y. That rare moment when they are ALL smiling and playing well together. And, for reasons that you can't explain, you feel the need to fix what's not broken. Add another toy to the mix, offer a glass of juice to the gang or just suggest a way to make perfect even better. I did it today. My husband had set up an awesome outdoor fort for the kids. He put two lawn chairs on their sides, pillows in between, folding the headrest portion of the chairs in towards each other as gates.

He came inside to get me, telling me that the kids wanted to show me the fort. I went outside and witnessed the aforementioned rare moment of perfect-play-paradise. And, then, I did the unthinkable. I offered to bring out a blanket to function as the roof of the fort. Of course, I couldn't get the blanket to stay put, so they all began fighting over it ... a crying spree that lasted well over an hour. That was about 3 hours ago, and I am still kicking myself. I know better. It has happened MANY times before. Yet it happened again today ... why?!? Perhaps posting here about this unpleasant episode will remind me not to disturb the peace again in the future. But, probably not, right?

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