Wednesday, August 5, 2009

An Ego Boost

Having a bad day? Need an ego boost? Here's an idea: Sit down with your 2-3 year old and any fashion or gossip magazine and ask your toddler to try to find a picture of you. There are only pretty pictures to choose from (note: be sure to tear out the "fashion police" section before you start), so it is a total win-win situation ... your toddler thinks he/she is winning a game and you start to feel pretty damn good about yourself! My daughter has pointed to pictures of Jude Law and George Clooney saying "Daddy!" and pretty much thinks that I am every brunette celebrity out there. No wonder kids are obsessed with their parents and stalk them constantly ... to kids, their parents ARE famous!

Now, if only the rest of the world could see me through my daughter's eyes ... the first class tickets I would buy, the clothes I would wear, the famous people that I'd meet ....

Okay, okay, back to reality, a/k/a the pile of dirty dishes that I've been avoiding for the past hour.

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