Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Is It Legal?

Yesterday, I took the kids to Wendy's for dinner. Well, let me be more precise: I took the kids to the Wendy's drive-thru for dinner and was planning to let them eat in the car on the way home. Before I drove out of the parking lot, I asked Michael, my one-and-only-sort-of-potty-trained child if he had to go to the bathroom. He said no, as he always does (hence the "sort of"), but I knew it had been awhile and that he probably did have to go. There was no way I was taking all three kids inside Wendy's for a potty break, so I let him pee in a bush in the parking lot. As I was standing there trying to block him from sight, I wondered if it was actually legal to allow a three-year-old to pee in public? I had always assumed it was, but as a friend mentioned to me last weekend, there must be an age at which it becomes illegal. I began thinking of how I'd explain myself if a cop happened upon us ... but the answer was sitting there in the backseat all along. "I'm sorry officer, but I'd like to see you take 2 three-year-olds and a two-year-old into the Wendy's bathroom and help one of them go to the bathroom, while simultaneously making sure that the other two don't contract hepatitis." That would get me off the hook, right? Kind of goes hand-in-hand with my "Polite Society" post, doesn't it? I definitely think so!

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